Things that make you go hmmmmm

>> Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Why does the Pope, who according to the Catholics is God's #1 guy here on earth, need a popemobile with 3" of bulletproof plexiglass between him and the mass of people that come to see and hear him? How is that faith? If he were attacked, killed, assasinated, wouldn't that be God's plan?

How does a kid with a Barbie Doll fishing pole catch a record 21lb catfish? Story here. Better yet, why is there a Barbie fishing pole in the first place? I have never seen "Fly Fishing Barbie". Isn't fishing, outdoors, worms and fish about as anti-barbie as you can get? And why the hell was this front page news on MSN one day?

Why, when my kids get great grades at school and do extremely well on all the state scholastic tests, can they not handle a simple task like "put wet laundry in dryer AND START IT" ?!?! Is it to see how long it takes to make a sane parent completely looney? Are they really evil geniuses in some big experiment testing the limits of the parental psyche?

How is Kirsten Dunst still getting acting roles? Have these producers not seen any of the Spider Man movies? Seriously .. W T F? If anyone needs a popemobile with bulletproof glass its her.. because I would definitely take her out if I had a chance.

Why do bad guys in futureistic sci-fi movies all have to be punk rockers? Just once I want to see a movie where all the bad guys dress like bellhops. Or flight attendants. Or McDonalds employees. I mean seriously.. if anyone has a reason to have a bad attitude and want to kill someone, its the guy who has been working late night drive through at the 24 hour McD's and is dealing with the 2am bar crowd.

Why with all of todays technology can't they make something healthy and good for us taste like say Oatmeal Cookie Batter ice cream?

Why am I not legally allowed to hit a coworker in the face with a shovel when she is so loud on the phone that I can clearly hear every word of her conversation on the other side of the room even when I am TRYING to ignore her. No one should be allowed to annoy other people that much without some kind of consequence.


Lisa August 27, 2008 at 10:16 AM  
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Lisa August 27, 2008 at 10:17 AM  


Are we feeling prickely today? Love you

Jennifer August 27, 2008 at 6:14 PM  

Or, why can't I just shoot a few people who don't understand that I only have two hands, one brain and fifteen jobs?

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