I'm a tyrant!

>> Sunday, January 11, 2009

I was informed by my 11 year old today that I push him too hard. That I make things too tough on him. This all came about as I asked them to put away the new clothes I bought them today. I went in to check to see if they had cleaned their room like I had asked and I noticed that the new clothes were hanging out of a drawer that was crammed shut. The conversation went something like this:

Me: Why do you just shove the stuff in there? It was folded out of the bag already, why couldn't you just put it away nice?

G: I dunno.

Me: Lets look in here and see whats going on... hmmm.. you have socks, underwear, t-shit, a dress shirt, a sweatshirt and lounge pants all crammed into one drawer.. with nothing folded.

G: *shrugs*

Me: (I start pulling stuff out for him to refold) WAIT.. is that a dishtowel? And what is the washcloth doing in there? Not only were you too lazy to fold, you didn't even sort the bathroom and kitchen stuff out of your laundry? Did you just dump the whole basket in there and then cram it closed?

G: Noooo (As he looks down guiltily)

Me: Ok.. well I am taking all this stuff out. You are going to refold it and organize it.

G: Do I have to?

Me: Do you want me to answer that question?

So I pull everything out of his drawers. NOTHING is folded, despite that being one of the few jobs he has. Folding and putting away his OWN laundry. Not mine, not his brother's, just his own. There is now a big pile of laundry on the floor that he is staring at. I can tell when he is starting to get upset .. and this was one of those times. So I ask him if he is upset which he confirms and I ask him why.

Me: Are you really getting upset about this?

G: Yes.

Me: Care to explain why this is a such a big deal?

G: Well.. you see I think you are being too hard on me. I don't know any other kid my age that has to fold and organize his laundry.

Me: None of them? Did you take a poll? Did you ask everyone of the kids you know if they have to fold their laundry?

G: Well no, but one time we were talking about chores at school.. and none of them mentioned having to do laundry.

Me: Ok.. lets put this in perspective. Between drive time and actual work time, I put in about 56 hours a week working to pay bills. Keep food on the table. Lights on. Your computers and xbox and internet etc. working. I come home after work and make you dinner. I make sure you have money for your field trips and activities. I drive you places you need to go. For all that, I ask that you do a couple things around the house which for the entire week adds up to about 30-45 min worth of work. You really want to sit there and tell me its too much to ask of you to fold and put away YOUR own clothes?

G: Well.. I .. no.

Me: Good. So you are going to take care of this and not let it happen again correct?

G: Yes.

Me: Then you may live. Carry on.

I don't know what the parents of all his friends do. I don't know what responsibilities they have or don't have. I certainly don't think my kids are really all that put upon to do the few little things I ask them to around the house which really is nothing at all. But apparently I am a tyrant who works his kids to the bone. Even if that were the case, isn't that why you have kids anyway? Raise them to where you can get them working for you so you can take it easy after doing everything for them for all those years? I thought so!


The Dalaimama January 12, 2009 at 12:28 PM  

Oh boy, he'd hate to be my kid LOL - my kids have to help me clean the house and they do dishes too. And they help me shovel the walkway to the car.

My son complains ALL the time about how he's the only kid he knows that has to do so many chores. I just have to remind him that one day, his future wife will thank me for the fact that he can pick up his own underwear and knows what the vacuum really does.

K January 12, 2009 at 1:57 PM  
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hangel January 12, 2009 at 2:27 PM  

I just can't wait until Caden can do something..anything...other than "help" by getting in the way :-)

K January 13, 2009 at 7:44 AM  

I disagree you on only one point. We in fact DO ask a lot of the boys. They clean their rooms, fold their laundry, do dishes, take out the trash, sweep/vaccum and on weekends, even clean bathrooms. They are also two of the most well adjusted, kind hearted and well behaved kids I have ever known. Top that off with the fact that they are just plain a blast to spend time with despite the fact that teenagerhood has descended and I can only deduce that chores are good for kids.

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