Twilight Zone

>> Friday, September 26, 2008

Ever watch the old twilight zone shows? There was one episode where a guy is flying on the plane. He doesn't like flying and gets it into his head that theres someone.. something out on the wing. Even though they are flying.. he's convinced and starts to go a little crazy when he thinks he's seeing someone out there.

I had one of those experiences last night. Well not quite the same, but had the same usettling feeling. Around 2am, my jaw was killing me.. and I needed pain meds. I stumble out half asleep to the kitchen for a bottle of water and my meds. I swallow them down and have one of those "did I lock that" moments where I can't remember if I locked the sliding door to my patio or not.

So I go to check it to make sure. I have vertical blinds that hang in front of the door which were closed. I reached my hand between a couple of the slats to check the lock and they parted just enough for me to glance outside and there was someone standing there. About 5 feet from my door.. facing right at it. WTF.

Its about 230 in the morning and there is someone standing, facing my patio door, right at the edge of the small concrete patio I have there. Now its not like he was on my patio, he was on the grass, but the patio is very small with only enough room for a couple of chairs. I was not thinking clearly still half asleep and was just a little wierded out by the whole experience. Not what you want when waking up to take pain meds at 2am.. thats for sure.

I thought about it some more, and realized that the guy had a dog with him. Sure, its odd that he was taking his dog for a walk, right by my patio, at 2am, but I was a little more comfortable with the fact that most serial killers do not bring their dog with them so I was probably ok and this was just a guy with a young dog that had to go out at all hours of the morning.

I just hope that my hand reaching out between the blinds to check my lock freaked him out as much as his being right there by my patio freaked me out. Fortunately the pain meds I have say right on the bottle "May cause drowsiness". Realistically it should read "Will induce coma like states". So I was back to sleep in no time.

I am hoping to be done with the need for the pain meds soon as they make life complicated. You can't drink with them. They make you extremely tired.. to the point of barely functioning sometimes. And really I just want to have my tooth/jaw be pain free for the first time in about 3 weeks.


The Dalaimama September 26, 2008 at 6:49 PM  

uh. I'm reading this while I'm in my house alone at night for the first time in like...ever? And now I'm too creeped out to go make sure I put the windows up in the car LOL - thanks!

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