Stealth = OP

>> Thursday, September 4, 2008

If you didn't understand the title of this post, chances are your nerd factor is not high enough to actually even get this post much less enjoy it. So while my audience might be limited, so be it. If you are or were ever a gamer, I mean a real gamer not a "well I play solitaire on my laptop" kinda gamer, then you will understand what I am talking about. Sometimes, you bring gaming concepts into real life in stupid and silly ways.

There was a whole thread on the World of Warcraft forums about signs that you play WoW too much. Some of my favorites:

1. You try to Feign Death to drop wife/husband aggro.
2. When you start saying ninja'd instead of stole or took when someone takes something of yours.
3. Wanting to sheep someone who wouldn't SHUT UP
4. You see a gray question mark on top of your bosses head.
5. You automatically feel rested after entering your apartment.

The reason this whole post came to mind is Lisa and I were doing a movie night and decided to watch Alien vs. Predator: Requiem. If you have seen the movies, you know that the predators can stealth or cloak themselves to be virtually invisible. This guy runs into a predator in the woods.. freaks out understandably and trys to run away in the other direction. Suddenly the predator stealths and as the guy is running away, looking back behind him, he gets gutted by the predator. First thing I said to Lisa was that Stealth was OP (Over Powered). Next thought that popped into my head was that he must have popped both Vanish and Sprint to pull that off. Then I thought man.. how nerdy is that? Fortunately Lisa tolerates my nerdiness and even laughed at the stealth is OP comment. I love that she not only gets it, but can laugh with me.. or at me.. not always sure ;)

On a less nerdy topic.. fall has finally arrived! Maybe not officially, but weather wise. Its started to cool down and this morning it was actually even a bit chilly. It was 52 on my way to work this morning with light rain and a breeze. I love fall, when the air is cool and crisp. Leave the windows open at night. Watch the leaves change. Sit outside and enjoy the cool evenings. Summer is nice.. but fall is by far my favorite season.


Jenae C. September 4, 2008 at 9:34 AM  

Fall just means that it is that much closer to snow...I HATE SNOW! And it is Freeeeeeeeeeezing today!

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