No Country for old ZZzzz....

>> Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I am sure most of you have heard of the movie 'No Country for Old Men'. It won 4 Oscars along with a slew of other minor awards. It was critically acclaimed. I had heard a lot of people say how amazing this movie was. Maybe it was the hype again that made the movie dissapointing to me.

The movie had its strong points. Some of the characters and the acting were top notch. The assasin.. with his mannerisms and his creepy deep voice was fantastic. On a whole though, the story was very slow.. I mean VERY slow. Stuff happened real quick for the first little bit and then slowed waaaaaay down.

The story was so/so. It was certainly nothing even remotely original. Guy stumbles on a drug deal gone wrong. Takes 2 million that doesn't belong to him and thinks its all going to be ok because people that do drug deals in the desert for 2 million in cash won't care that its missing. Angry people start chasing him. He is sure he can outsmart them though.

The movie was long .. about 2 hours and 25 minutes. This seemed much longer due to the slow pace of the movie. For all that time, I expected much more closure at the end than we get from the movie. Seriously, its like they just ran out of film and decided to call it there. You don't really know where the money ended up. You don't know where the assasin ends up. Tommy Lee Jone's char just waxes poetic for minutes on end.. about what I am not quite sure. It's possible that I dozed off there for a minute or two.

Like I said, maybe it was the hype. All the rave reviews I heard about it. I just was expecting so much more. Not every film I watch has to be a non-stop action flick or sidesplitting comedy, but with dramas I feel like you need to keep the story moving at a reasonable pace. Also the story needs to have a bit more depth to it if you are going to drag it out for 2 and half hours.

I think I will keep the movie handy though. If I am having a hard time sleeping some night, I will pull it out and start watching it. Now that I know the few minor excitements in the film, it should have me out cold in under 10 min.

Now that my rant on the movie is over, I leave you with a little comedy. This clip is from Craig Shoemaker. He's funny as hell.. but getting the crowd involved in this bit is just hilarious. Check it out.

8 Days! <3 Lisa


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