Busy, Busy.. again.

>> Monday, July 7, 2008

I know I have used the excuse before. As they say, Life happens. Or is that shit happens? :P Lately its been life happening and its been nice. I had a great week last week getting to spend lots of time with my girlfriend. Life had been quite hectic for both of us and we were not getting as much time as we wanted, but last week was quite relaxing and nice for the both of us.

We spent the 4th just hanging out and playing some together online and just talking. Sounds unexciting to most people I'm sure, but we had a great time just relaxing together. You do what you can to spend time together when you have 1800 miles apart.

On Saturday my parents and my nephew Caden flew in and very late that night my sister and brother-in-law drove in with my brothers truck and a u-haul trailer. Sunday was lots of running around unloading, loading, buying matresses, loading again, unloading.. well you get the picture. We had a nice relaxing evening after that just hanging out.

Today the girls went to the casino while the boys took care of some errands that needed to get done and had a lunchtime adventure with Sir Grumpypants (Caden), who quickly reminded me that while he is cute as a button and I love him to death, there is no way I want to go back and do all that again. He decided he HAD to hold the cup of chocolate milk at the restaurant. He didn't want anything else and wouldn't drink if he couldn't hold it. Well it didn't have a lid, so he couldn't until we got a cup with a lid on it which means he threw a fit. I am talking a full on hissy with the pouty face, the grumpy noises, feet kicking, hand waving.. all out. I must say, I really did have to admire his commitment. It didn't matter what you said or did to try and distract him. He was steadfast.

Tonight the boys are going out to the movies. The adults are most likely going to see Wanted while my boys are going to see Wall-E. They want to go see Hancock or Don't Mess with Zohran .. but as neither is 13 and I'm not going with them, they are stuck with a G or PG movie. Bummer for them.

We are doing the whole Brats and Burgers cookout tonight. MMMMMmmmm beer brats. My bro-in-law Jim loves them.. my sister and my mom don't. I think thats pretty unamerican myself.. but hey, what can you do. I introduced Lisa to beer brats when she came to visit in April and she loves them now too.

Well I am off until Thursday still to spend time with my family, so I don't know how often I will get updates up. Deal. :P


Lisa July 8, 2008 at 10:24 AM  

I do love beer brats. I am jealous, I didn't get any last night :(

Jenae C. July 8, 2008 at 11:06 AM  

I wish I was there having beer brats with you guys...I had to work late instead! I will be there soon, then you can cook some for me to try!!! See you in a week!

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