
>> Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I got sent this movie via email, but I managed to find it on youtube so I could share with you all. I can't stop laughing at it..

On other random notes, I am pretty sure that Denise Richards is not of this planet. You remember in Men in Black when Tommy Lee Jones is listing famous people that are actually aliens .. she should be added to that list. There is something wierd with her mouth.. like an alien civilization tried to copy the look of a human to blend in, but didn't quite get it..

I went to see Watchmen .. and it was one thing above all else. Long. Not like Lord of the Rings long where you want it to keep going as you are so involved in the story you need to know whats going to happen next long. More like the "OMG is this thing STILL going?" long. It had a few moments of enjoyable cinema. A couple of good lines. Really though, you could have condensed the movie down to those 5 minutes out of 2 and a half hours. It felt disjointed and lacked a real flow to the story. But hey.. at least it was really LONG.


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