He's here!

>> Thursday, March 5, 2009

I got a text from my sister yesterday. Despite having her c-section scheduled for next Friday.. the 13th.. her water had broke and they were on their way to the hospital! After hours of waiting a picture came through on my phone from my brother-in-law. The baby had arrived and he is beautiful.

Zane Rylan was born at 12:11pm AZ time. He weighed in the ballpark of a small sack of potatoes and is about as long as those newborn onesies outfits. Yes.. I have the real measurements, however they are quite irrelevant and thus I am too lazy to look them up in the email my mother sent out. :P

So big congratulations go out to my sister and brother-in-law! And a big welcome goes out to my new nephew that I am anxious to get to see. Since they named him Zane, I shall dub him 'Z' for short. I think I will then buy him swords and then teach him to carve flashy 'Zs' into the walls of the house to mark his territory. I can see it now...

On another note.. someone told me the new season of American Idol started last night.. or the night before I don't really remember. The first few weeks always have the worst performances .. so I decided to see if they had any on youtube this morning. I didn't find anything from the US version.. but I am STILL alternating laughter and outright shock at this:


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