I sang what?

>> Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The number one rule to drinking is make sure you leave no witnesses alive. Hmm.. maybe that is the rule for murder. Ahh .. that's right. The rule for drinking is make sure the witnesses are all as drunk as you are so they don't remember anything either!

In these days of strict drunk driving laws, I am always careful when I am having a drink while out. If I am going to do serious drinking, then I make sure we have a DD or are doing it at home where we don't have to go anywhere. That was what we decided to do this past weeked. We stocked up at the house. We went out for dinner and skipped drinks there and just waited til we got back to my friends house. Once there, we proceded to see just how inebriated we could get.

All of us were drinking, so the rule was being followed. Nothing could come back to haunt us right? That would be the case if it were not for the technology of today. We use this thing called Ventrilo for voice chat while gaming online. It allows up to 100 people to connect and chat. At some point during the evening we decided that it would be a good idea to get on and start talking with everyone. I don't remember much about what we were talking about or how we got on the topic, but I was told after the fact that I sang this song on vent:

I don't remember singing it.. but apparently it was a good rendition. Or at least amusing enough for those lucky enough to hear that they were asking for repeat performances the next day. At least no one recorded it and made a sound board from it which happened to one of our other friends who made a long drunken appearence on vent one night.


K March 4, 2009 at 8:13 AM  

Wow, I had never heard that song before. I am disappointed that I missed your rendition.

The Dalaimama March 4, 2009 at 12:00 PM  

I take full responsibility for taking advantage of your drunkenness :D your meniachal laugh was an added bonus lol

Anonymous March 11, 2009 at 5:56 AM  

Damn I can't believe I missed you singing in vent. I am going to have to start hopping onto vent once in awhile to say hi and see if anything good is going on. lol

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