T. G. I. F.

>> Friday, March 28, 2008

Even though its been a short week for me with Monday off for the easter holiday, it still seems like a long hectic week and I am very glad that Friday is here. Been trying to get together with some friends for a few drinks and some Rock Band for quite a while now but schedules have been hard to coordinate and last minute things have come up. Barring a major tragedy, hopefully that will finally happen tonight. Everyone has been talking about how they could use a few drinks tonight. That reminded me of a part of the show that Bill Cosby did quite a while ago called 'Bill Cosby: Himself'. In it he talks about people owing it to themselves to go out drinking, getting drunk and having a good time. Here you go:

There is a lot of other funny bits in there. Especially if you are a parent dealing with young kids you would enjoy watching the rest. But the whole drinking thing just came to mind when everyone was talking about stressful weeks and wanting to go out and have a few. He goes on a bit later in the segment to talk about people coming back to work on Monday almost relieved saying something like "Thank god I'm back here.. I'm just no good on my own for two days"

See.. I think thats the real problem with the way things are set up right now. We work for 5 days and usually have a ton of stuff crammed in during the week. Then when the weekend arrives, we only get two days to get everything done we couldn't during the week and still try to find time to relax and have some fun. So we end up trying to go "all out" for those couple of days to really enjoy ourselves before we go back to the grind for another week. We just need to switch stuff around. Just think about it. If you had 5 days to relax and have fun and then you went to work and put two solid days in .. wouldn't that be so much better?

Look at the people around you.. sure some of you have jobs where you are actually working hard the whole time you are there. A lot of people though really end up stretching out two days of work to take the entire week anyway. Lets just be a pinnacle of efficiency and get it all done in the two days, get paid the same, and then have 5 days every week off. Ah.. in my world that is the way it would be. There would be much merriment and rejoycing. I would be a popular person. Hail to the king baby.

That was a movie reference by the way.. if you didn't get it .. let me give you a couple more lines and we'll see who can come up with it. No googleing it to cheat either.

"First you wanna kill me.. now you wanna kiss me. Blow"
"Good, Bad.. I'm the guy with the gun."
"Gimme some sugar baby."


K March 28, 2008 at 11:20 AM  

I've caught enough bits and pieces of Army of Darkness recognize the quotes. I know it's supposed to be funny but it still scares me. Quit laughing!
I'd sign up for your 2 day work week thing though.

hangel March 28, 2008 at 11:58 AM  

I only work two days a week...but I do NOT get paid the same. I like your line of thinking!

You watch very strange movies!

Raincor April 1, 2008 at 12:43 AM  

haha, i like myspace, this thing is a little different to me, i'll get the hang of it though blade, you'll see, i just have to do exciting things that i can talk about

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