Vince Vaughn sings the blues

>> Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I am a huge fan of blues music. Even more so of blues done with acoustic guitars. I was just doing some browsing on youtube a while back and stumbled across this artist:

Most peoples first reactions to this video are that he looks like Vince Vaughn and that he is so animated when he plays. He has a bunch of stuff on youtube which is worth checking out if you like that kind of music. His name is Nicholas Barron. If you so desire you can download his music here. The record label he is on, CandyRat Records has some very incredible guitarists in different genres. Mainly Rock, Blues and Jazz, both acoutstic and electric. You can listen to samples of most of the artists on there. Worth a listen if you are looking for some lesser known musicians that are very talented.

Speaking of sites I have found new music on lately, someone turned me on to a site called This site is outstanding. You can listen to tons of different bands based on categories or user ratings. Depending on the band, a lot of them will even give you the ability to download some of their tracks for free in MP3 format. I found a band called the Corby Yates Band on there. Great driving rock blues sound. Reminds me a lot of Stevie Ray Vaughn. And if you don't know who SRV is .. please, put down the damn Rascall Flats cd and go skydiving. Use this parachute I packed for you. I swear I didn't put that anvil in there, its a standard safety feature.

I find it very refreshing that through the wonder of the internet, unsigned bands and a lot of regional acts that just can't catch on with a label have a chance to have their music heard. With all the mainstream trash that labels are putting out these days, its a great thing. You take people like Britney Spears who is quite obviously insane and can't even speak a coherent sentence and yet somehow is still releasing albums. How on earth is she getting money from labels still to "make music" when she can't even get dressed by herself? Yet you have very talented people who can play circles around the closest thing Britney ever had to talent and yet they are struggling and playing small regional gigs while she is in her 10 million dollar mansion talking to her fingers about how they should stop telling her secrets to the press.

I know everyone listens to the radio from time to time, but try some new music that isn't from the major labels and radio approved. There is so much good music out there and yet people get stuck listening to "My Humps" on the radio and based on the number of times it gets played in a two hour stretch it must be award winning, ground breaking music. If you are going to turn out absolute trash music, at least have the common curteousy to be smoking hot. Britney had the right idea originally with that plaid catholic school girl skirt and white top in her first video. It's too bad she has fallen so far since.

To wrap things up, since we started off talking about Vince Vaughn, if you haven't seen the movie Dodgeball yet with him in it, go rent it. Right now. Go. It's quite possibly my favorite comedy I have seen in the last several years.


Jennifer March 4, 2008 at 7:59 PM  

Try you can get streaming live music from one of the last truly independant radio stations here in NY. Plus it's Woodstock so it plays good classic, a blues night, great local stuff. We ahve heard stuff on there years, I mean years before it hits top 40. AND the bonus!!! no country or pop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hangel March 4, 2008 at 10:03 PM  

I actually really like SRV, but much to your disappointment, I also like the boyband of country, Rascal Flats. Sorry! We have to rock out on Rock Band!

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