Case of the Mundays

>> Monday, March 10, 2008

It's true.. I so very much have a case of the Mundays today. I miss having Monday's off. It was such a nice way to ease back into the week. I blame daylight savings time .. and the fact that I am back to 6am shifts this week. That is two less hours of sleep and I certainly didn't get to bed any earlier last night. Who invented this daylight savings time crap? I did a bit of research as to why the practice was implemented and most sources agree that the main reason was to increase the amount of daylight in the afternoon and early evening hours. Good for those who do activities after the workday I suppose, but those of us who have to be at work by 6am don't really care. Its going to be dark when I get up anyway and when I go home in the afternoon its light regardless of daylight savings time.

Does it really matter if there is an hour more of daylight in that late afternoon / early evening time frame? No studies have supported any decrease in traffic accidents, crime or anything else that might have supported this practice. Is it so people can go outside and enjoy life after work? It was 22 degrees at 4pm here yesterday. No one in their right mind is outside enjoying the bonus daylight. If they are outside, they are probably partially crazy and they would be out there even if it was dark. They probably don't even use clocks and just go off their own internal clock which is clearly set to crazy time.

Even more annoying is the fact that there are states that don't comply with daylight savings time. Mainly Arizona. I have family that lives there and so now once again I will have to do the whole "What time is it there right now.. ok.. then you are 3 hours difference again" conversation. I will probably have to repeat that each time I talk to them for the next few months. I usually have it down by about the time there is less than a month left to the change back in the fall.

Let's just go ahead and make things easy. The whole country should be moved to CST. Its the middle ground and works out best for me so clearly it is the right choice. No more having to mentally calculate when its ok to call family members or figure out when your favorite TV is on since they only list the times in EST and PST. No more trying to call a vendor for support only to find out they are on Pacific time and don't open for another 2 hours. And Arizona .. you antisocial bastard, get with the damn program. Not sure what your deal is, but considering the hell that is the weather there for about 80% of the year, I would think you guys would be trying to lay low and yet here you are flaunting your lack of DST. I am tired of having to break out an abacus, graphing calculator and a periodic table just to figure out if its too late to call my sister or not.

I read a bunch of articles about how massive studies have been done on the effects of DST on the economy, health, traffic accidents, crime rates and a host of other things. How about we just leave the damn clocks alone and you channel all that wasted manpower and money into something someone actually gives a crap about? Give that funding to Mythbusters. Honestly, they research stuff that is actually interesting and can be put to practicle use. Like can you float safely to the ground off a building using a piece of plywood like a hanglider. Or which random object shoved in the barrel of a cannon causes the most collateral damage to a target. This is stuff I need to know and if all else fails, they usually just end the show by blowing something up. When do I watch Mythbusters? In that extra hour of daylight. When its still too cold to go out and do anything, I am sitting inside either watching TV or playing something or just listening to music. Which coincidentaly is the exact same thing I would be doing had we not changed the clocks and it was darker.

In summary, get bent daylight savings time. I don't like you. Now I'm not saying I hate you on a level that would put you in the realm of say a remake of the movie Biodome still with Pauly Shore in it but also addding Snaggletooth and Ben Afflek to the mix, but you are getting close.


K March 10, 2008 at 9:40 AM  

1-2 hours. AZ is always 1 or 2 hours behind us, never three.

I'm just sayin'


Jenae C. March 10, 2008 at 11:49 AM  

Haha! You tell him K!! But I do like it when it goes back in the spring and we GAIN an hour, that is a whole extra hour to sleep that night!!!

hangel March 10, 2008 at 12:56 PM  

You know it is NEVER too late to call your sister...I just may not always be here to answer your call :-)

Miss you!

Angel March 11, 2008 at 12:08 AM  

angry no?

And K is right...I've never heard of this 3 hours nonsense you speak of.

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