The Legend of Bob Kelso

>> Friday, March 7, 2008

If you have never seen the show Scrubs, do yourself a favor and go check it out. Seasons 1-6 are available on DVD. I introduced the boys to the show last night wondering if they would like it. I think they watched about 8 episodes in a row. This show is comedy gold .. at least if you have a sense of humor like mine which granted not all do. I love the biting sarcasm of Dr. Cox and Bob Kelso and their interactions with the rest of the staff. There are so many great moments in this show that its hard to pin down any kind of favorite. JD's dream sequences, impromptu musical numbers, great guest stars.. you get the picture. There are two scenes, which are pretty much directly related that do stand out in my mind however.

The first time I was watching the episode with the scene it it, I remember quite clearly laughing and laughing and not being able to stop. I had to pause the show for a minute. Rewind and watch it again. All while K was looking at me like I had just sprouted horns. Apparently I found it too funny. What can I say? It was one of those things that just slays me and makes me laugh just thinking about it. So, just for kicks I googled the scene and low and behold, someone had the same opinion on the humor that I did and picked the two scenese out of the episode and put them together in a little clip. Oh how I love the internet! So, without further ado, I give you The Legend of Bob Kelso:

the Legend Bob Kelso

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Now, if you watched that.. and didn't find it funny as hell, you need to get yourself checked out because tragically you must have been born without a sense of humor. That is just money in the bank. I have been so tempted to use this at work when someone brings me a stupid problem I just really don't care about. If I thought I could get away without a counseling report over it, I certainly would.

If you watched that .. and then watched it again and laughed just as hard the second time, let me buy you a beer. If you watched it again and laughed just as hard and also happen to be an incredibly hot woman, well then drinks are on me for the night! ;) TGIF everyone.


flyingace March 7, 2008 at 9:41 AM  

Just ask Jenae, she gets so tired of me watching Scrubs over and over again. It has even been getting to her so much that almost every day, something that happens reminds her of a scene in Scrubs.

It is the BEST SHOW. Too bad it is the final season. They could do more for sure.

Lisa March 7, 2008 at 11:48 AM  

Can I call you my White Chocolate Bear?

Jenae C. March 7, 2008 at 6:06 PM  

"rolling eyes" not another one, you are as bad as your brother!!!! By the way, I did find that clip funny, so are you still buying me a drink, even though I am your sister-in-law?

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