Annnnd I'm Back

>> Monday, April 21, 2008

Its been quite warm around here for the last few days meaning we had the windows open. Its nice to finally have a spring after a record setting 100+ inches of snow this season. The previous record was 76.1 inches back in 1979. I had a friend in town for the last 5 days and I joked that she brought the warm weather with her because mid 70s is quite warm for around here in the middle of April. Still a welcome change after the cold and all the snow for so long.

Had an amazing 5 day weekend with my friend visiting from out of town. I have known her for about 7 years now, but we have grown very close recently and it was wonderful to be able to have her here for the last 5 days. It's one thing to spend lots of time talking with someone every day, but there are some things you just can't put into words properly. It was so nice to be able to spend time with her. We had originally talked about things we wanted to do while she was here, but in the end we opted to not do much at all. We had a party Saturday night with some good friends... grilling out and playing some Rock Band and party games. Other than that, we hung out and spent a lot of time talking and laughing. We made most of our meals at home and just relaxed. It was a great way to spend 5 days with an incredible woman. Sadly I had to drive her to the airport today for her to get on a plane back home. I didn't want her to go.. but it was a wonderful visit and I look forward to the next one.

I forgot to tell you all about the party game we played at the cabin not this past weekend, but the weekend before. I had gone down to a cabin southwest of madison to meet some friends of mine from the online gaming guild I run. It was an absolute blast to meet them finally and hang out and party with them for a couple of days. There was a big table on the back porch that we all hung out around drinking and playing various games. One of the games we played was called Catchphrase. Basically you get a word on the screen of this little electronic device and you have to give people on your team clues to be able to guess the word without actually using the word. Its timed and as soon as you complete you give it to the next person in line which will be on the opposite team. Anyway, we are going around the table and suddenly one of the girls gives this as a clue:

"I would give you one of these to put you to sleep"

The first answer shouted out? "blow job" Everyone just busted up laughing at that point. That became the defacto answer for just about any clue that wasn't immediately obvious what the correct answer was. It was quite entertaining as was drunk Jenga. It had quite an interesting twist on the rules to turn it into a drinking game. Oh.. the correct answer to the above clue was "sedative" btw.

I leave you with a song that pretty much sums up the weekend. The video is cheesy.. but I haven't taken the time to get a regular music player embedded in here yet so youtube makes posting a song easy .. you're just gonna have to deal :P

Her bag got lost on the way here.. so we had our "somthings gotta go wrong" Took them til late Friday afternoon to get it to her. The rest of the weekend was incredible.


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