So its been a week..

>> Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Its been a pretty crazy week. Last week was a nightmare at work. Some pretty major hardware issues caused a ton of stress, work and late nights. Thursday into Friday for example consisted of about 22 hours of work, 5 hours of driving, a crapload of stress, and a total of about 90 minutes of sleep in very short bursts.. most of the time at my desk at work.

Friday morning after it looked like everything was finally running well and stable again at work, I took off to go home, sneak about an hour of sleep before I showered and went to the airport to pick up a friend who came to town for the weekend. We had a nice relaxing time and as she had traveled all night on a red eye, she was fortunately tired and wanting to sleep too so we spent half of Friday she was here sound asleep in bed. It was needed.. and relaxing. It was a very nice weekend overall despite her claims that she was going to get frostbite in the 20 seconds it takes to walk to the bar and grill behind my house.

Wrath of the Lich King was also released on Thursday, which is something I have been looking foward too. For those of you that don't know what it is, you won't care even when I explain it to you, so I won't wasted your time. I am looking forward to hopefully getting some playing time in this week finally so I can play catchup a bit.

Winter is finally really here. It was 16 according to the guage in my car on the way to work this morning. It's dark when I leave for work and its dark when I get home from work. My agenda for this weekend includes cleaning my garage to be able to park in there again as well as make sure the snowblower is working and accessible.

I have been enjoying going to watch B play basketball. Its his first year and the squad he is on is quite bad. It reminds me how much I enjoy basketball though. We are trying to see if the school gyms are open for practice / free play on the weekends and after games so we can work on stuff. The point guard on his team makes me crazy. He is a horrible player and looks like a long limbed monkey with a balance disorder when he's out there. I lost count somewhere around 20 turnovers this kid had.. in 12 minutes of play. This is the POINT GUARD. The guy who is supposed to be good at handling the ball, passing, and running plays. You could have taken a blindfolded walrus .. put him at point guard... and he would have done just as well swatting the air randomly with his flippers hoping to make contact. He at least would have been more entertaining to watch.


K November 18, 2008 at 10:16 AM  

A blindfolded walrus? Where do you come up with this stuff?

I am enjoying the games too, even if they really are THAT bad.

As for winter, at least you don't have a half mile walk up a wind tunnel pulling air off the lake each way every day. I wore a wool coat, scarf, hat, gloves and snow boots today. Brrrr!

Jenae C. November 19, 2008 at 8:59 AM  

I'm off tomorrow, is there a game at the middle school?

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