Its still fun.

>> Tuesday, November 11, 2008

There are certain things that you do when you are younger that seem silly, but bring you great joy. Sometimes as you grow older, those things will pop back into your head and there are even occasions where maybe you cut loose and get a chance to relive one of those things.

For example, I remember when my kids were young, im talking stroller age, I would push them fast towards an obstacle making it look like they were going to smash into it and then swerve at the last second. I remember doing similar things on my bike when I was a kid.. speeding towards a tree lined curve and at the last possible second trying to turn and make the corner. The excitement of almost crashing .. the fear of maybe miscalculating and going head on into the obstacle .. made it fun and exhillerating.

My kids used to giggle and laugh when I did that to them in their strollers, but they outgrew the stroller eventually and I thought maybe I had outgrown that little stunt. Yet when I was in AZ visiting my family, I was pushing my adorable nephew in his stroller when we went to the mall, and instinct kicked in and I was right back at it. Zooming towards a palm tree, or planter, only to swerve at the last possible second to a squeel of giggles from Cade.

Now I am headed to lunch the other day and as I was walking through the main lobby, I see an older couple. The woman is in a wheel chair and the old guy is pushing her towards the buffet, which is lined with those retractable barrier things. Without missing a beat the old guy accelerates right towards one of those barriers. The wife is all wide-eyed and nervous. I thought maybe the guy was having a heart attack and lost control of the wheelchair, but no, he was fine. At the last possible second he spins the wheelchair a bit and they miss the barrier. The woman takes a big breath to relax, but has a grin on her face the same as the old man does. He is quite proud of himself actually.

I chuckled to myself as I went on my way, very happy to find out that some things in live are still fun as you get older.

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