More Madness

>> Thursday, November 6, 2008

If you haven't seen some of the celebrity costumes from halloween, check them out. Its pretty cool what endless money can come up with for costumes. Some were exceedingly lame, but some were pretty kick ass. Heidi Klum dressed up as the Hindu goddess Kali. Check it out:

Now THAT is a costume that should be winning the costume contest. But her prize did not come without repercussions. Apparently because she is a super model, she offended the entire Hindu nation by dressing as their goddess. A "Indo-American" leader (more on the idiocy of 'Anything-American' in a min) had this to say in a public press release:

"Goddess Kali is highly revered in Hinduism and she is meant to be worshipped in temples and not to be used in clubs for publicity stunts or thrown around loosely for dramatic effects," Indo-American statesman Rajan Zed said.
He added: "Hindus welcome Hollywood and other entertainment industries to immerse themselves in Hinduism, but they should take it seriously and respectfully, and not just use the religion for decoration or to advance their selfish agenda.
"Casual flirting sometimes results in pillaging serious spiritual doctrines and revered symbols and hurting the devotees."

Seriously? Get the fuck over yourselves. You want to tell me that there weren't a whole bunch of people that dressed a Jesus or Buddah or some other religious figure for halloween. How about priests? How many priest costumes or monk costumes or the Pope? Does no one see the irony in what this guys is doing? How does her dressing as Kali "pillage serious spiritual doctrines and hurt the devotees"? Is there suddenly Hindus feeling the need to switch religions because it has been cheapened to a point their faith is not there anymore all because Heidi dressed as Kali?

He lives in a country that guarantees him religious freedom. It guarantees him freedom of speech. Yet he then turns around and feels he should speak on behalf of an entire country's Hindu spiritual body when he says that they are all mortaly offended by a costume that represents one of their deities. All the while identifying himself as a "Indo-American". Hey.. I am going to use my freedom of speech to say.. SCREW YOU BUDDY.

Either you are an American.. or you are not. There is no Indo-African-Jewish-Italian-Irish-Scottish-WestJersey-Compton-DownSouthOnTheChattahoochie-American. Give it a rest. If you live in the US and are an US citizen. YOU ARE AN AMERICAN. Period. If you don't like that.. if you want to be a different person.. then by all means pack your damn bags and move there. Apply to be a citizen and live your life in happiness. Stop calling Obama an African-American. He is a US citizen and thus an AMERICAN. He wasn't born in Africa. He didn't reside there for half his life. He has never applied for dual citizenship with the US and Africa. He is an American same as you, same as me.

I have Scottish, German, Dutch heritage. I don't call myself a Scottish-American despite the fact that I look dashing in a kilt with my killer legs or the fact that I am a big fan of the Braveheart movie. I lived in NY for 11 years.. AZ for about that and now WI. I don't call myself a New York-Arizona-Wisconsin-American because that is where my 'people' are from. Why not? BECAUSE IT'S STUPID. That's why. We don't need this overly political correct bullshit anymore.

Be proud of your heritage, your beliefs, religion, clubs, teams, family, and pets. Practice your rights and rituals and festivals. Do so knowing that you live in a country that protects your right to do just that. Be happy that you live in a country where you can write a blog like this. Where you can discuss and criticize the government without fear of them arresting you and taking you computer like they do in China.

Let poor Heidi dress as a Hindu goddess if thats how she wants to express herself for halloween. If it pisses you off.. dress up as Jesus or some other religious figure and express your displeasure. Don't go to the media with a big damn hissy fit over how a super model is opressing your religion. I'm thinking a good couples costume would be a guy dressed as Jesus and his significant other dressed as a sexy Satan.. they could make out at the party. How cool would that be? We all know women are the root of all evil anyway right? ;P

If that last statement offended you... well then you should probably just turn off your computer.. go listen to some classical music and bury your head in the sand so nothing could possibly offend you and your delicate sensitivies. You know I have an Aunt, who won't read my blog anymore because she is pouting that one family member or another didn't stop to visit on their way through one time, who gets offended over stuff like this. But rest assured she has boycotted my blog as well even though I was not one of the "offenders" so she will not have to endure this post as it would probably make her bleed out of her ears. On the off chance that she still reads it in private.. yes I still let my kids play Halo.. and yet my kids are smart, well adjusted, happy and not prone to killing sprees. So get bent.

And that I guess, is enough of a venomous rant for today. Rest assured dear readers, I am not angry today.. just frustrated with the retards of the world. If you are overly sensitive, hypocritical idiot.. would you would please take a number and line up in a single file, my shovel and I will be with you shortly.


Jenae C. November 6, 2008 at 11:04 AM  

I don't think I want to see your Scottish side if it means seeing you in a kilt!

Heretic November 6, 2008 at 1:19 PM  

He's mad sexy in a kilt though... until he has to bend over to pickup something off the ground.

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