I don't care.

>> Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I don't care that Obama is the first black president. Honestly, the more I heard on CNN, NBC and every other news program, the more it irritated me. I voted for Obama, but not because I wanted to help make him the first black president. I voted for him because I think he is the best choice to lead our country right now.

I found it rediculous that such a huge deal was made about his race. Yes I know, its a first. Its a long way for the country to come.. blah blah blah. I know minorities came out in record numbers to vote. But you know what? So did the 18-24 year old demographic, and the old people demographic (old people demo.. I crack myself up), and every other demographic. It was a record year for voting, period.

Are there some people who voted for him just because they are a minority and wanted him to win for some kind of vindication for minorities? Im sure there were. The same way I know there is a bunch of KKK redneck hillbillies out there that voted for McCain for the simple reason that they refused to even think about having an black man running the country. Does that mean that the news has to spend hours dwelling on the fact? Focus on what he did, has been doing and will be doing in the future. Look at his gameplan and discuss that. Talk about his goals and stances on important issues.

I don't care that MLK's youngest grandniece's sister's best friend's cousin was overjoyed at the victory this is for 'her people'. I didn't need to see the tears in Jesse Jacksons eyes for 5 minutes on CNN while they discussed why he was in tears. Why can't they let Obama stand on his own as the future leader of our country and start looking at how he is going to change the state of affairs we are in right now.

I watched the speeches last night. I was impressed with McCains speech conceding to Obama. I liked Obama's speech as well. I hope they both meant what they said and I hope the American people can get past the thrill of all the "firsts" of this election and focus on the issues at hand. Democratic majorities in both the house and the senate gives them real potential to get things done. I honestly hope the next 4 years are about trying to turn things around for this country and its economy and not focused on all the wonders of the fact that there is black man at the helm.

Frankly, Obama could grow out a bitchin fro, shave it bald in a strip down the middle and dye each side a different color and wear a pirate costume on tuesdays and casual fridays to the oval office as long as he gets things done and steers us forward in the right direction. All the news organizations had to have 2 or 3 black people on their discussion panels this year. All the shows spent so much time talking about how much this country has changed to be able to elect a black president. If we have changed so much, then why are we talking about the color of his skin at all and not just talking about the fact that he is an American who won the democratic nomination and here is his stand on things.

I don't envy Obama now. He is taking the helm in a time where we are in one of the worst economic climates in a century among other issues like the war in Iraq that is lingering on yet. I hope he is able to lead us to the change that he talked so vehemently about. Wether you voted for him or not, I hope everyone can respect him and support him as the next president of the United States .. and not pidgeon hole him. He's not an african-american.. he is an American. Period. He will not be the first black president, he will be 44th president of the United States. Period. He is a citizen of this country we the people elected to lead us for the next 4 years. Lets just focus on that fact.

My one request to Obama right now.. can we PLEASE keep gas down at 2.25/gal? Much thanks ;)


Lisa November 5, 2008 at 10:30 AM  

Here, here!

I do have to say that during Obama's speech I yelled out hallelujah lol....it was kind of preachy imo

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