Viva Las Vegas!

>> Thursday, October 2, 2008

So this morning I left the house for vacation again. A nice long trip this time. It was 40 degrees outside as I left the house.. in shorts and a t-shirt. I was a bit chilly and I am pretty sure some of you are getting the chills just thinking about 40 degree weather, but there is a reason I wasn't in jeans and a sweatshirt. I went from my house to my car to the airport. Once on the plane, its always warm with that many people packed in a small space. Also.. I was leaving the 40 degree weather and headed for the desert.

I watched all the people filing on to the plane.. in their jeans and sweatshirts and jackets and moched (yes I know its spelled mocked) them silently. As we were getting off the plane in the CA desert.. they were all complaining about how hot it was on the jetway.. and I laughed to myself. Poor planning people.. poor planning.

It was a largely uneventful flight, although I cut it closer than I like getting to the airport. Left a little later than I wanted and then hit both construction and some early morning traffic. Still made it on time, got my car parked at the long term place and got the shuttle to my terminal. Fortunately I had checked in the day before, printed my boarding pass and was carrying on for luggage, so I breezed through security and made it to my gate with about 25 min to spare.

The flight itself was fast. Scheduled for a bit over 4 hours flight time... it took about 3 hours and 35 minutes. We were at the gate close to 25 minutes early. Im glad it didn't take longer as Ms.Fidget that was sitting next to me was slowly starting to bug me. It wasn't bad or anything, but she was one of those people that can't really sit still and likes to talk with huge hand gestures. I grabbed about 30 minutes of sleep shortly after takeoff and then it was a losing battle. Everytime I would shut my eyes and start to doze at all.. she would bump me enough to wake me up again. I thought about telling the flight attendant that she was not allowed to have anything with caffeine in it for her beverage. :P

We had an uneventful drive back from the airport this time. We didn't get lost once which was an impressive feat. Every other time we have missed a slight lane change or they have closed one or more parts of the route home for construction. Although, as we were sitting at a freeway on ramp meter dealy, we were just talking and then we see a tire roll by us. Not attached to a car.. just a tire rolling down hill along the side of the freeway. I looked back to see if there was a car leaning down like it had lost a tire but couldn't see anyone. We watched it as it kept rolling way out of sight. I hope it didn't run into traffic and cause any problems. Not exactly something you see everyday. Thats for sure.

So here I am.. in the desert. And tomorrow we go to another desert. Or maybe its technically the same desert. I'm not really sure to be honest. Thankfully Vegas is going to have a cool snap for them while we are there for the weekend. Its only supposed to be high 70s, low 80s.. which is about 20 degrees cooler than it is there today. You know.. there is a reason I left Phx. Its October .. it should be cool fall weather. Not 100. It's just not right!

Anyway.. updates will be sporadatic over the next little bit as my computer access and to be perfectly honest, my desire to update while I'm on vacation will be limited. :P Hope everyone has a good weekend. And just to clarify for the peanut gallery.. no, I am not getting married in Vegas. Unless Salma is there and sweeps me off my feet. I am going to vegas to hang out with my sister and two of my cousins that I love spending time with and their spouses. Maybe I'll win big in Vegas. Of course if you win big on penny and nickel slots.. you still only win like 10 bucks.. so there goes that idea. :P Besides.. a special someone is going with me to Vegas.. so I am already very lucky. :)

I leave you with a funny Bill Engvall clip.. enjoy:


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