Hmm.. I missed it.

>> Monday, October 13, 2008

Apparently my previous post was my 100th. I didn't see any banners, fireworks. No big prizes were awarded and I still haven't caught my sisters post count. Oh well.. someday.

I had a wonderful vacation for those that care. A very busy vacation. Flew to LA and spend a day with Lisa before we drove to Las Vegas together for the weekend. Met my sister and brother-in-law, my cousins Jan and Jamie and their spouses for a fun relaxing time. We gambled some, mostly with the casino's money, ate dinners out together and hung out playing cards, talking and drinking. Then it was back to LA where I picked up my rental car and spent Sunday evening with L before heading to Phoenix the next morning.

I spend most of the week in AZ staying with my sister and surprising my parents. I had a great time getting to see them all and spend some relaxing time just visiting. I didn't go anywhere or do anything really, just spent time hanging out and talking with them. Then on Friday I headed back to LA to spend the rest of the weekend with Lisa before heading out on Sunday morning for WI.

Everyone always asks "So what did you do on your vacation?" While I will say I did more on this trip than I normally do with the Vegas side trip and actually gambling and doing dinners out etc., I am normally one of those people who go on vacation to relax, not pack my week so full of stuff so that I need to go back to work to recover from vacation.

If you have ever seen Bill Cosby's standup routine / movie called 'Himself', he talks about the things people do to themselves in the name of fun. Mainly he is referring to drinking. He was talking about how people in the office would announce that they are going to go out and get drunk because they "owe it to themselves" to have a good time. We all have done it at one point or another. I know I have. I owed it to myself to drink with friends and have a good time. Drink to the point where you are sick.. puking in your friends sink for 45 minutes (sorry Amy). You wake up the next morning and your mouth has the texture like you have a dead rodent stuffed in there. Your head hurts and your stomach is still rolling. Ahh... you owed this to yourself right?

Maybe its because I am older and wiser now. I just had a birthday so thats the reason I am going with! I just don't look at having a good time the same way I used to. I was staying with my sister with a fridge full of cold beer and I didn't even get a buzz the entire time I was there. Thats not to say I didn't have a beer or 5.. but I enjoyed them and was not looking to get drunk. I had a few beers hanging out with my parents when they were over or later at night talking with my sister or just hanging out out back at her place with a good cigar and a crossword puzzle. (Mom just pretend you didn't see the cigar part) I blame my parents for getting me hooked on crossword puzzles now btw.

Maybe its getting old. Maybe its just that I have learned to slow down and appreciate more of the little things in life that make it enjoyable. I would almost say maybe its me finally becoming mature, but if you know me well, you know thats simply not true. :P


hangel October 13, 2008 at 3:56 PM  

We loved having you here! It was sooo much fun even though we really didn't "do" anything. I have your crossword puzzle book...Thanks for leaving it here, even though I am sure it wasn't intentional!

Blade October 14, 2008 at 2:11 PM  

It wasn't :P Since my MP3 player was dead I found out only after I boarded the plane.. I was really wishing I had had that with me. Oh well. Enjoy it.

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