This past Saturday I went to see G. Love and Special Sauce with my brother, my younger son and a friend. It was a great show and I really enjoyed it. I was a little leary upon arriving and finding the opening band was GPGDS.. which I had to google to find out stands for "Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad". I didn't know what to expect from those guys at all. I was pleasantly surprised to find they were a decent reggae band, but was vastly disappointed that no one was dressed as a giant panda.
Never let it be said that I don't expand horizons for my children. As it was an all ages show and my friend happened to have an extra ticket, my 12 year old got to go with us. He was far from the only youngster there, in fact it was quite a mixed crowd. However, the majority of the crowd was that 18-25 year old college crowd. If you know anything about G. Love, you know he is partial to his weed.. and even has a couple songs detailing his love for the stuff. Therefore I am pretty sure my 12 year old can now identify pot smoke and may have even come away with a little contact high there. He spent the latter part of the show sitting in his seat just listening. He said it was because he was just tired.. but who knows for sure :P Just the same, he said he enjoyed the experience and I enjoyed getting to share the joy of some good live music with my son.
The opening band started at 9pm. They played for about 50 minutes and then the stage change. G. Love came on about 10:15 and played for over 2 hours, meaning the show ended around 12:30am and then getting out and the drive home. My son was asleep in the car on the way home. I was not far behind him. I was starting to get that "old" feeling again. I remember the days when I could stay up til all hours of the morning, sleep for a bit, and get up and do it all over again. Those days are gone now.. and I found myself wishing the show started at 7 instead of 9 and maybe that opening band just played a couple of songs isntead of an hour. Or skip them all together. O. L. D. I tell you.
I heard this guy on one of the XM comedy channels on my way to work the other day.. and he summed it up perfectly. His name is Greg Behrendt and he has a great concept called 'The Adult Rock Show'. Watch the clip:
Greg Behrendt - Adult Rock Show
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