>> Wednesday, June 10, 2009
My brother and I often get together on Mondays as I have the day off and he does fairly often as well. We usually grab lunch, watch a movie or two and lately we have been doing happy hour after my sister-in-law gets off work. This week we were at Friday's where they have 1/2 price apps and taps during happy hour. We usually get a few appetizers to share and this week was no exception. We have tried most of them on the menu, but this week we decided to try the nachos.
What comes to mind when you think nachos? A big plate of chips .. with melted nacho cheese on them. Sometimes other toppings as well. So Friday's menu description says that theirs comes with 'bacon–infused refried beans, spicy nacho meat and cheese'. Now my brother and I weren't too keen on the refried beans so we asked if we could get the nachos with just the meat and nacho cheese. We were told the beans and meat were a mix and so no, they couldn't do that. After some discussion, we decided to try them anyway and got that mix on the side for my SIL as she wanted it.
After waiting, our big plate of nachos came. Chips piled high with melted nacho cheese! Oh.. wait. WTF is this crap?
Seriously.. W T F is that? Oh.. I'm sorry, I thought we ordered NACHOS. I know we are in Wisconsin and all and we are not exactly bordering Mexico or anything, but Fridays is a national chain and surely you can afford to send someone to research what the hell nachos are supposed to be. Really.. if you ran out of nachos, then come out and tell me you are out of nachos. Don't russle up some stale taco shells and break them in half and then melt some co-jack cheese on top and try to pass them off as nachos gringo!
If you decide to go to Fridays for appetizers, stay away from the not-so-nachos. If you want to recreate the experience for free at home, then just leave 4 hard taco shells out on the counter for a few days and let them get nice and stale. Then break them in half, melt some cheese on top making sure its not actualy spicy nacho cheese as that might get too close to real nachos. Then put them on a plate and scoop some baby food pees into a pile in the middle and call it guacamole. Voila! You have Fridays 'nachos' of your very own!
Did you ask where the rest of them were? That's a pretty sad plate of nachos. And why is it that when ever I say nachos I want to say: NAH-CHOHS?
You want to say it like that because you were exposed to Beavis and Butthead :P Beavis used to say it like that.
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