My True Self

>> Friday, February 5, 2010

The latest "copy this to your status" thing going around facebook these days was to put your first name into the urban dictionary search engine and see what comes up. Then you are supposed to put that as the first comment. Some people had interesting ones. If their name was also a real word as well.. it got really interesting. Like my friend Mark for example found a definition that he was a "sucker" or "easy target" because that is a definition for a mark as related to a scam for example.

The rest are obviously just definitions people have made up for the names, but some were entertaining just the same. I suppose that you can always find similarities to yourself in those definitions if you want to. Kinda the same way people read their horoscopes and somehow apply that stuff to what happens throughout the day. I did find it funny though that of all the possibly definitions for my name, this is what was there:


He is a fun loving guy really funny and can make anyone laugh.He is very quiet at first and seems shy but when you get to know him you will fall in love.He has very good style and always looks handsome.He also always smells really good :)

I was surprised not to find a definition relating to joking around with someone as the top as that is sometimes referred to as 'joshing' someone. At any rate the rest is somewhat accurate. While the good style and looking handsome is in the eye of the beholder, the rest is pretty accurate for me. I am quiet until you get to know me, but once you do, I usually surprise people with my comments and will make you laugh. Sometimes even if you don't want to because you probably shouldn't laugh at what I just said. :P

Anyway...some people apparently have different opinions on my and my personality. Case in point... here is a picture of the shirt that K brought back for me from Vegas with the statement: "When I saw this.. I immediately thought of you"

I suppose in many ways this is fitting.. but as I have said all along... You gotta gotta go with what you are good at!


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