Test Post

>> Friday, February 26, 2010

This is merely a test post to see if I have the Networked Blogs thing working on FB which I stole from Ren's post.

Been looking for a way to get my blog into FB so I don't have to decide which place to post things since Facebook only imports the text and doesn't bring in videos and such.


Access Denied!

>> Friday, February 12, 2010

I had a dear family member call me yesterday to seek help with some computer related issues. After about an hour of trying to help walk them through getting their new router connected, I suggested they contact their ISP to see if there was something on that end causing an issue. I got a call back a bit later saying that they managed to get it worked out and that it was some confusion over which device was which and thus was a simple cabling issue.

This family member felt bad I think.. so I thought I would share what I deal with on a daily basis to put it in perspective.

There is an individual who works as a PC Tech.. who told a user who was having printing problems to "Just reboot it a few times.. sometimes printing problems can take up to 7 reboots to fix". Which for you non technical people is completely made up out of thin air. If one reboot doesn't do it.. another 6 isn't going to magically resolve it. That PC tech spent two days working on the printing issue before that facility called over here looking for further assistance. As I was headed over there for a different issue, I said I would take a look. After about 15 seconds of investigation I was able to determine the cause of the problem. The print server for that printer was unplugged. No power. But hey.. maybe another 10 or 12 reboots of the computer would have made the power cord jump back in. You never know.

Then on Wed. I had a user call me and say this.. word for word.. no joke: "I need you to change my password for me and then set it to not change ever. New passwords are just too hard for me and I lose them when I write them down." This is an adult. Who gets paid a good salary to work here. Who can't handle changing her password once every 90 days. It only has to be 6 characters and you get to pick. I'm sorry, but if you can't come up with a password that you can remember.. then obviously you need to not work in a position that involves computer network access and go back to being a greeter at Walmart.

So to my dear family member....worry not. It's still much easier to help you than a good portion of the people I have to deal with at work.

Happy Halmark-ChocolateCandyCompany-JewelryStore-FlowerShop holiday all :P May your day be full of cliche and over priced meals and gifts! Or something like that.


My True Self

>> Friday, February 5, 2010

The latest "copy this to your status" thing going around facebook these days was to put your first name into the urban dictionary search engine and see what comes up. Then you are supposed to put that as the first comment. Some people had interesting ones. If their name was also a real word as well.. it got really interesting. Like my friend Mark for example found a definition that he was a "sucker" or "easy target" because that is a definition for a mark as related to a scam for example.

The rest are obviously just definitions people have made up for the names, but some were entertaining just the same. I suppose that you can always find similarities to yourself in those definitions if you want to. Kinda the same way people read their horoscopes and somehow apply that stuff to what happens throughout the day. I did find it funny though that of all the possibly definitions for my name, this is what was there:


He is a fun loving guy really funny and can make anyone laugh.He is very quiet at first and seems shy but when you get to know him you will fall in love.He has very good style and always looks handsome.He also always smells really good :)

I was surprised not to find a definition relating to joking around with someone as the top as that is sometimes referred to as 'joshing' someone. At any rate the rest is somewhat accurate. While the good style and looking handsome is in the eye of the beholder, the rest is pretty accurate for me. I am quiet until you get to know me, but once you do, I usually surprise people with my comments and will make you laugh. Sometimes even if you don't want to because you probably shouldn't laugh at what I just said. :P

Anyway...some people apparently have different opinions on my and my personality. Case in point... here is a picture of the shirt that K brought back for me from Vegas with the statement: "When I saw this.. I immediately thought of you"

I suppose in many ways this is fitting.. but as I have said all along... You gotta gotta go with what you are good at!


Send the Wolf

>> Thursday, February 4, 2010

If you have seen the movie Pulp Fiction.. you will know what I am referring to. Or at least you should. There is a scene in that movie where John Travolta is talking to a guy sitting in the back seat of the car while waving around his gun. He accidentally shoots the guy in the head from about a foot away and pretty much explodes the guys melon all over himself, the driver and the car. They drive to a guy's house they know and Wallace agrees to send The Wolf to help take care of the situation.

I needed The Wolf the other day. The back end of my car looked like the same kind of thing happened. I assure you I didn't shoot anybody though. I had purchased a case of Cherry Dr. Pepper and left it in the back of my car. Well for a couple of days last week, it got down well below zero. The soda was mostly frozen, but I still didn't take it out of my car for some reason. As I was driving to work, it was sliding around in the back and near as I can figure there was still some liquid in the middle of those cans. The sliding and slamming around of the cans had excited the carbonation in the cans and suddenly... BLAMMM!! Sounded like a shotgun going off in the back and I look in the rearview and it looks like bloody chunks are sliding down the back window.

I was on my way to work.. so nothing happened with it then. I had to leave it til later. Apparently more exploded while I was at work and then as I was driving home the last couple decided to join the fray. When I got home I opened the back and frozen soda was now streaked all over the back like blood smears and chunks of frozen soda and aluminum were every where.

Fortunately, I have my own team of Mini-Wolfs for crime scene cleanup. So I sent the boys out to clean up the car which they actually did a good job of. So not only did I learn a valuable lesson about storing soda in the car in January in WI, but I imparted that knowledge to my children as well and made sure they would remember it. I have this parenting thing down cold!


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