Careful what you text...

>> Wednesday, July 22, 2009

If you haven't been there yet, go to Texts From Last Night and start reading. Some of them are 'OMGIMCRYING' funny. Careful though...once you start reading you might look up and see that much time has gone bye.

Some great ones I have run across thus far:

(303): You know the guy who poops at a party and then leaves and you go in, do your business, and come out and there are girls outside that think you pooped and no one talks to you? I'm the guy who poops before you go in, because I'm in a relationship and I hate you.

(217): we got back to my place and he started talking about feelings. i politely told him to leave and that he managed to cock block himself.

(253): is there any particular reason you took a shit in a zip lock bag and left it in my refrigerator?

(209): update: the house isnt on fire anymore, but he is still pissing on all your stuff.
(1-209): the house was on fire??
(209): shit I thought I told you.

Just some great stuff there. Drunk texts.. its like when you drunk dial .. only you leave evidence behind. :P


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