Let's Reverse It
>> Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The normal work week is 5 days on, 2 days off for the weekend. After just having a 5 day weekend, I am suggesting we reverse that setup. Let's work 2 days and have 5 days off every week. Hell, I would be willing to put in 2 15 hour days to get 30 hours in if I could have a 5 day weekend every week. Think about it.. you would come to work refreshed and relaxed every week and know you have 2 days to focus and get stuff done. Well.. one can dream anyway.
I feel like I should have done something productive with all that time off, but other than getting a few workouts in and a couple of small errands run, it was all just relaxing. The boys and I did a marathon on Sunday for Scrubs season 8. I hadn't seen most of the episodes, so it was a blast to sit and watch them and just laugh and laugh with my boys. They love the show as much as I do and we were all a bit sad watching the last two episodes which were both the season and series finale. I can't say enough good things about this show. The combination of the off-the-wall craziness and the very down to earth way they deal with real issues was just incredible. If you have not watched the show.. do it.
I also watched season 5 of House, MD. I have been waiting for this season to be released on DVD and been looking forward to watching it even though my Mom gave me a huge spoiler last time she was out to vist with the whole "Hey.. you like House right? Can you believe SoAndSo died?" Never mind the fact that she KNOWS I watch shows like that on DVD when they are released and not during the year when they are on. Still, the show is awesome and I really enjoyed this season. I won't discuss anything here though in case you are still waiting to watch it. I won't be a RUINER!
Having the 5-day weekend at least took the edge off my jealousy that my two nephews are on the beach in Hawaii with my sister and BIL and my parents. Seriously.. Zane at not-even-one-year-old has already been to Hawaii more times than I have. There is something not quite right about that picture. :P All I know is that it's a good thing I can't ear flick someone through a text message. When your sister whines about having to do a load of laundry for an hour .. IN HAWAII .. on facebook, you should be able to reach out and give her an ear flick IMO.
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