The Little Bastards
>> Thursday, September 24, 2009
As a parent, I have come to terms with the fact that my boys are moving into that teenager age group. It was inevitable I suppose. And while the changes were subtle at first, they seem to have accelerated as of late and if I stop and think about their actions and attitudes even a year ago, the difference can be staggering. I know all parents are shocked by how fast their kids grow up, but I honestly can't remember this kind of rate of change since they were toddlers and it seemed like every week was a new milestone.
So what's the big difference? They are not driving yet (thank god) and although B is in 8th, they are both still in the middle school. They are still doing the same activities for the most part. They have the same group of friends. They have the same responsibilities at home. So other than them getting older, there hasn't been any big dramatic changes. So the only real difference is attitudes. They are becoming little bastards. Or as my ex put it so well, "When did my boys start acting like assholes?"
Now before I freak out my poor Mother, they really are the same great kids they always were. When interacting with adults, teachers, parents of friends etc., they are generally as well behaved and respectful as they always were. However, when it comes to their siblings or friends.. sometimes I just have to shake my head and walk away. The teenage attitude is there. The "I am the greatest and you should all bow down before me" is there.. in full force.
I have siblings and I know what the whole sibling rivalry situation is. My boys have always had that as well. Antagonizing each other. It's changed now though. Often times now its not the joking and wanting to be a pain in the ass to the other. It has morphed into false sense of superiority. The whole "I know everything and thus anything you tell me is stupid and I shall look upon you with disdain and mock your stupidity." I am just waiting for that to transfer to parental stuff as well. Maybe it won't happen....maybe my boys will be the exception to the rule...maybe? /sigh
It is still fun to watch them grow and change. Even if I am not a huge fan of all the changes. I suppose them being assholes is part of their rite of passage into manhood. Much like girls getting their cycles and becoming crazy bitches? :P
Regardless, they are still good kids and no matter what, I still love those little bastards!